Apple as a gaint in digital electronic world, According to an analysis articles published by eWeek Web site, even though the Apple iPad Mini determined to remain silent, repeated rumors and reports that Apple's iPad Mini will be available later this year. If indeed is this situation, which is expected iPad Mini will change the face of the tablet PC market significantly. The following are 10 ways iPad Mini may change the Tablet PC market.
1. IPad Mini will increase Apple's influence
If there are no other things, the iPad Mini will certainly increase the influence of the apple in the market. Apple will provide more Tablet PC. Apple's sales income will be higher, and to play a good role also needs more vendor partners. This will help Apple to increase the strength of the key relationships in the industry as a whole.
2. IPad Mini will undermine Google (microblogging) Nexus 7 value proposition
If the iPad Mini final listing of Google's Nexus 7 may be in trouble. After all, the Nexus 7 is currently on the market 7-inch tablet. If Apple Tablet PC configuration is slightly larger number of display and Google products, the reach of some special features, the Nexus 7's sales may be declining rapidly.
3.The iPad Mini will drive prices fall
Whether Apple when entering the market, Apple are trying to force competitors to lower prices. Apple to achieve this goal by providing high-end products comparable in price and competitors' products. Therefore, the competitors must be lowered the price of their products to keep pace with the competition. This is for the Tablet PC buyers may be a good thing. However, for all of the manufacturers concerned may not be a good thing.
4 Developers will continue to flock to Apple
If Apple is to launch a new increase its mobile market share, iPad, developers will soon be more resources and time for the development of iOS applications, reducing other operating systems, developing applications for Windows 8, etc.. Software developers to go along with consumers. With the launch of iPad Mini, consumers will flock to Apple products.
5.Amazon (microblogging) may be in trouble
Since the continued strong sales of the Kindle e-book reader and the Tablet PC is no longer in competition with Google Nexus 7, Amazon has been in trouble. If Apple introduced to the market of 7.85 inches Tablet PC, this might mean for the Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet PC? Amazon or will soon introduce a new 7-inch tablet PC or waiting to see Apple do what. Amazon is not a fool. Amazon know if it is the use of equipment and iPad Mini competition, it will fail badly.
6.Margins will be hit badly
Tablet PC manufacturers will be looking forward to their profit margins to be badly hit. The same time, there is no great difference of space between the component costs and selling prices of Apple in each iPad Mini sales. At least in the Tablet PC, profit margins, and Apple's profits in the next few quarters will be significantly decreased.
7. IPad Mini Apple marked a strategic shift

For years, Apple rely on technological innovation to survive. Apple to ignore a competitor's product, to develop their own strategic direction and other companies in a short time to reach some of the features. However, with the launch of iPad Mini, Apple will perform an apparent passive response strategy to respond to the Tablet PC market is a growing trend. This is an interesting change for Apple steps.
8. 7-inch display will become obsolete
If the rumors are true, Apple will seriously not the smaller size of the iPad called "the iPad 7". Apple to a proper understanding of, if it is introduced to configure a 7.85 inches screen iPad Mini competitors, 7-inch display will be in trouble. Or 0.85 inches will make another device appears to be outdated products, and the contrast will be smaller. Consumers seek the best returns are likely to flock to the Apple side, 7 inches Tablet PC into deep difficulties.
9.The iPad Mini makes Apple has a responsibility to improve the large-size iPad
According to rumors, iPad Mini will offer many outstanding features of the Tablet PC in Apple's large size, such as the Retina display and dual cameras. Therefore, Apple needs to improve its large-size iPad full. iPad mini is likely to weaken to some extent the sales of large-size iPad. Apple must make every effort to ensure that such incidents do not occur.
10.Prepared to respond to reduce the competitive situation
All of the above point of view comes down to one important consideration: If the Apple introduce the iPad the Mini in the coming months, some Tablet PC manufacturers are likely to withdraw from the market, thereby reducing competition. Google and Microsoft (microblogging) and other strong competitors will continue to participate in the competition. LG, RIM and Barnes & Noble and other smaller competitors may exit this market because of the decline in sales. iPad is one of the driving changes in the factors. iPad Mini is no exception.