There are times when searching for large files has taken you as far as it can, and you just need to get rid of some of those folders. You don’t want to scroll through screen after screen of mostly empty data folders from apps you uninstalled ages ago. You should occasionally page through your SD card and manually ditch folders for apps you don’t use anymore.
Most of them will be empty, or might just have a log file in them. They don’t take up much storage space, but they do take up just as much UI space as any other folder when you scroll by. Although, there are a few apps, like Twitter
android phone clients for instance, that cache a few megabytes of data in these folders. They won’t show up on DiskUsage, so you’ll have to have the occasional look around.
The freedom to place your files anyplace can be liberating, but also contributes to haphazard storage practices. It is important to avoid accidentally deleting your personal files when cleaning out the SD card. We suggest you create a
android phones folder that will house all your personal content rather than place multiple folders in the root directory.
Make the folder name unique. Don’t just call it ‘Data’
wholesale android phones or ‘Android’. What if you do that? An app that was going to create a folder called Data (and a lot of them use this directory name) will just skip it and use the one you’ve already made. So you could end up with a chunk of app data cluttering your personal files, and making it harder to clean up later.
Users that don’t run a lot of apps might be able to get
android tablets along without paying much attention to the state of the SD card. But if you really use your phone, and especially if you have taken the same SD card with you from phone to phone, you should give it the occasional once over. Do you have any SD card management
cheap android tablets secrets? Let us know in the comments.
It’s annoying to have to look at content you have no interest opening while in an app, but if you delete it, the app is just going to break, or re-download the files. The way Android (and the developers) usually handle this is with a .nomedia file. If the app has not placed this file in its folder, you can do so manually.
If you’re not near a computer, try searching your SD card with the file manger for a .nomedia file. Odds are that at least one app has added one
cheap android tablet properly. When you find it, copy it to the offending folder, and restart your Gallery app. On some phones, a full restart may be required. This also applies to any subfolders. The unwanted content should be skipped by the system indexing process, but will still work in the original app.
If you are unable to find a .nomedia file and have a PC handy, just pop open your favorite plain text editor. Save a blank document and call it .nomedia (just that, no other file extension). Move that file to your SD card,
wholesale android tablets and place it in the folder you need excluded from indexing. Note that some apps accomplish the same task by adding a ‘dot’ at the beginning of the folder name in the root directory. Doing this to a folder manually will change the file path, so don’t do it.
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